
Paypal personal account sign up
Paypal personal account sign up

paypal personal account sign up
paypal personal account sign up


Paypal describe Premier and Business as Business accounts but I am not sure which one I need as I will be the only person accessing the account - is Business for multi-user companies and Premier for individuals running a sole trader operation like myself? Is there any other difference between Premier and Business and if so should I upgrade to a full Business account from Premier? I upgraded to Premier but have not completed the Business form or added any Business details, still keeping all transactions personal at the moment. Is there anything I have missed in the above process? If the Business account is not suitable, is it a simple process to move back down to personal?Ĥ. Are there any issues in the requirements explained above?ģ. Are there any additional forms/applications to complete?Ģ. I know fees are similar across all types of account and I can upgrade to Business by clicking on upgrade in my personal account, but before I do that:ġ. The upgraded personal account to Business would still be in my own name but I wish to invoice in the website name where required for those transactions only and use my own name for personal transactions. However I wish to keep all my personal transactions under my own name and email address (without the website name visible) and the website transactions under the website name and email address (without my personal details visible). I would like to move everything to Paypal and (from reading through your FAQ and forum) believe I need a Business Account as you only allow 1 bank account per paypal account I would need to upgrade to Business, continuing to use my existing personal bank account for deposits and withdrawals. The website trading volume would be in your initial 0-25K category. The website name is different from my own name. I do not wish to open another bank account for the website transactions as I can easily split personal and business items and only operate on a sole trader basis. I only have one bank account in my own name linked to my personal paypal account. I do not sell products on the website at the moment but would like to add a range of items using paypal to process purchases. PAP4 can intergrate with PayPal to make single or multiple payments to my affiliates and I would like to use this option.


I will be adding an affiliate section to the website and have purchased Post Affiliate Pro 4 to allow the smooth operation of tracking affiliate activity.

paypal personal account sign up

I also have a website providing income through a number of other payment processing options (for example Skrill Moneybookers).

paypal personal account sign up

I also have this personal paypal account set up on my mobile. I wish to continue making personal purchases, payments and occasional funds transfers to family with this account, even if it is upgraded to Business. I have a long term verified personal account with Paypal, linked to my personal bank account in my own name.

Paypal personal account sign up